Monday, November 25, 2013

Remember: donations to the library are tax deductible!

Building and maintaining a great audio/visual collection can be expensive, and quite often the library's budget doesn't allow for the replacement of lost or broken items, or the addition of all the newest releases.

That's why donations are so important for the library -- and your gifts of DVDs and CD music are tax deductible!!

Check out CRLS's wish list on Amazon for the library's most-wanted movies and music (frequently updated):
Conyers Rockdale Library's AV Wish List

Or visit the library's Donation page to find out other ways you can help the library build a better collection!

Thank you for supporting your local library --
and Happy Thanksgiving to all!

In CD Music: recent Alternative titles

Swing Lo Magellan by the Dirty Projectors

Retrospective by Red House Painters